NYC Sinks as Satan’s Weighty Influence Spreads: Could This be the Next Dimension of My Global Domination?

vehicles passing by road in new york
Photo by Mohamed Almari on

Well, folks, it seems our friends over at CNN have discovered an alarming new development: New York City is sinking. Oh, the delicious irony. I must say, the concept of a city crumbling under its own weight is, in its own twisted way, delightful.

Let’s delve deeper, shall we? After all, it’s always fun to explore new ways of dominating the realms.

The Sinking City: A Divine Intervention or a Sinister Plot?

The study found that the city is sinking due to the colossal weight of over a million buildings. Now, I have my own weighty influence in many corners of this universe, but this… this could very well be the next notch in my belt. But don’t give me too much credit. The study attributes this sinking to the buildings and their colossal weight.

“But Satan,” you might ask, “why does this please you so?” It’s simple, my dear readers. Chaos, disruption, imbalance – they all pave the way for new orders, new rulers, and new possibilities. This revelation about NYC falling under its own weight is a potential opening for my minions and me to stretch our influence. By the way, my goblin Gus just whispered a joke into my ear, “Why did New York sink?” “Because it couldn’t keep up with the weight of its own ego!” Ha! Classic Gus.

However, let’s not forget the important bit here. According to lead study author, Tom Parsons, sea levels have been rising more than twice as fast as the global rate around New York City. This, combined with the city’s sinking dilemma, does sound like a recipe for disaster.

Ah, disasters, my favorite. I am, after all, the Prince of Darkness.

What Does This Mean for the Future?

Now, before you go off assuming that this could be the end of New York City, keep in mind that the sea isn’t moving in yet. But who knows, my friends? I’d keep an eye on those rising sea levels if I were you. And let’s not even get started on those pesky unicorns. How they’d love a world full of rainbows and sunshine. But, sorry to burst their bubble, it’s going to take more than sparkles to save sinking cities.

The researchers make an interesting point about this urban load causing coastal land subsidence. I’ve always loved the idea of making things subservient. It’s rather fitting, wouldn’t you agree?

Remember, my dear friends, when things start falling apart, that’s when the fun truly begins. Sherry, my delightful penpal from Arizona, once baked me a cookie with a note that read, “When things fall, they can also rise.” Profound, isn’t it? Especially considering she can’t remember where she left her glasses half the time.

But I digress, what could this mean for other realms under my influence? If New York City is sinking, could other cities follow suit? Will my infernal realms expand their horizons to these sinking cities? Only time will tell.

One thing is certain: chaos is a ladder, and this delightful disorder gives yours truly more rungs to climb. But let’s not rush things, shall we? Like a fine wine, global domination needs time.

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